Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
Faith is accepting something even though you haven’t seen it. Surely you can grasp that? Don’t you think there must be something in ‘these fairy stories’ you easily dismiss that has brought people to faith for 2000 years when other ‘fairy stories’ don’t last 2 minutes? There is little ‘control’ on our lives these days yet this faith survives and is prospering all over the world. A bit deep to dismiss casually as bollocks don’t you think?
Dave God has had 2000 years to give us evidence of his existence

I require evidence not someone telling me that Jesus said to someone in chapter 4 verse 17 that we should all love each other etc etc

It's happening again in this thread

If I boil the kettle I get hot water ......fact

If its a hot summer and I don't water the plants they die .....fact

In the winter its colder than it is in the summer


Christians , Muslims etc all tell us about stuff that has no basis in fact and in the case of Christians in particular they flip and flop continually

An old lady from a church is ill ......the church says it will have prayers for her ......she dies ......it was gods will .......not oh these prayers were a waste of time .....I wonder if this god and Jesus thing is nonsense ?

You simply can't debate the facts with religious people as they don't have any