Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
It does amaze me somewhat that people actually believe the stuff written about a bloke called Jesus 2000 yrs ago, it’s more than likely all bollocks, like most old stories, which seem to grow in obscureness as the years roll by. Not forgetting that the church used fear to rule so would regularly peddle lies and mis information to control the people. Lastly, stuff that was relevant so long ago, really isn’t now.
Morals and being kind, curtious etc will always be in favour but looking how beliefs of just 20/30 years ago are not tolerated anymore and some that might have you clipped 100 yrs ago, like being gay, are now fine, make stuff written so long ago almost completely irrelevant. You will never see that though….I fully get that…
In pretty short supply in this country these days I find. For example, our politicians aren't setting particularly good standards of morals, kindness or courtesy. Also this forum can sometimes be a microcosm in that regard!