Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
Why would you use peak instead of average inflation? Why would you use the EU as a whole instead of individual countries as obviously Eastern European countries are going to feel the Ukraine invasion more than Western ones?

I've never seen someone give bad faith arguments off of cherry picked data as much as you.
Hang on, you lot are always going on about how the EU is better than the UK so comparing the UK to the EU is hardly cherry picking. But fine;

Food inflation, select countries:

Germany (biggest economy) peaked at 21.2% in March 2023
France leaked at 15.9% in March 2023
Netherlands peaked at 17.9% in Feb 2023
Belgium peaked at 18% in March 2023
Sweden (Scandinavia in EU) peaked at 21% in Feb 2023
Norway (Scandinavia not in EU) peaked at 13.5% in June 2023
UK (not in EU)at 19.1% in March 2023
Portugal (as far from Ukraine in Europe as you get) peaked at 21.5% in Feb 2023
Switzerland (not in EU) peaked at 6.5% in Feb 2023

Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/food-inflation?continent=europe

Nearly all countries saw huge rises in food inflation. All countries have now seen them fall right back.

Looks to me like Germany's food inflation was greater than 8% for 15 months. Looks like ours was for 16 months.

All you are doing is deciding the outcome "bReXit BaD, pEoPlE thIcKos🥴" and making things fit your narrative.

The reality being inside or outside the EU matters far far less than anyone on either side told you. Looking at the real data gives a very very loose correlation between things.