Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
I know, I was always saying on here how I believed every word of Cameron and Osborn’s scare stories about what would happen if we voted to leave.

The problem for you and fellow leavers is that you won and so we’ll never know for sure if all of the advertising claims by the Remain side were true or not. On the other hand we know the Leave side were talking bollox when it came to things like that video, all that money to the NHS, trade agreements, cheaper prices etc, etc, etc.
No, I'm sorry, we don't know that. The NHS has seen record increases in investment. We don't know how long term impacts of trade deals will benefit us and we cannot calculate the impact of COVID and two lost years of negotiations, economic stability and all the rest.

We DO know that house prices didn't fall 18% we do know there was no year long recession and we do know that there was no stock market crash or mass redundancies.

So we absolutely do know that Britain Stronger in Europe were absolutely wrong in their campaign and we don't know how many voted Remain on those things that proved to be absolutely false.