Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
I did suggest you chill. But in all honesty, you've poked the hornet's nest now.

I actually think the only thing that is annoying and unhelpful, James, is you.

Navigating the aftermath of Brexit has ripped open a chasm of frustration and anger in my life. This political circus has inflicted a deeply personal assault on my very sense of identity and belonging. It's not just about losing a few benefits here and there; it's about being violently uprooted from the cultural, professional, and social tapestry of Europe that I was seamlessly woven into. The freedom to live, work, and traverse the breadth of a continent was not a mere policy perk; it was the essence of my life's fabric, now mercilessly shredded by the shortsightedness of a referendum.

Witnessing other European countries continuing their lives with unfettered access to this rich tapestry only magnifies the sense of betrayal and isolation I now endure in the UK. The healthcare debacle, with its mass exodus of indispensable medical professionals, has thrown salt into the gaping wounds of my well-being and life expectancy. It's a brutal reminder of the real, blood-and-bone consequences of political gambles played out by those insulated from the fallout.

James, your attempts to rationalise this debacle by championing the democratic process and the 'will of the people' is nothing short of infuriating. It's a hollow echo in the void left by the loss of my European citizenship. To claim that the government's duty was to uphold democracy is a slap in the face, ignoring the complex web of implications this decision has spun across the lives of countless individuals. The sanctity of the voting process is one thing, but using it as a shield to dismiss the visceral, lived experiences of those thrown into turmoil is quite another.

The gulf between sterile economic arguments and the raw, lived reality of Brexit's impact on people like me is staggering. To reduce this seismic upheaval to political victories or economic indicators is both blind and callous. The discourse surrounding Brexit needs to make room for the searing voices of those directly in its destructive path.

Your reasons for your Brexit evangelism are your own. Stop preaching. You've pissed me off now with your usual sanctimony and f*cking pomposity. You don't want debate. You want to win your argument. It's been going on for years.

I've told you before. I will never 'move on'. It's deeply personal. Just leave it and find something more constructive to do with your time. Your obsession isn't healthy.
People have passionate feelings about it, and all politics on all sides. You aren't alone in that. If you don't want to get your feelings hurt, then perhaps don't go around mocking others. You think its nice being insulted for 8 years, being called things you aren't? Think again. Less of that before the referendum, a little more understanding of people's feelings and you may have won the damned thing in the first place!

I'm sorry you feel upset, I understand how these things matter but the answer to that isn't to post insults and incorrect things on the internet. That won't change a single thing. Certain people lost the referendum, they then lost the Brexit negotiations by failing to back significantly softer exit deals. It's those people, not the voters you should look towards.

If people post things online that others think are untrue, there will be a pushback against it. Don't act in amazement when that happens.

Have a great day.