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Thread: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Angela Raynor In The Spotlight


    Did she .

    Didn't know .
    Didn't live there ??

    Neighbours think differently?

    Tax dodge ? Or Mistake ?

    Sir Kier didn't seem convinced last night in his interview.

    Labour MP wrong surely not.

    This is Tory territory.

    More fun to follow.

    Bring back Jezzie.

    Safe to say I've always disliked the woman and she does damage to the party . Get rid put Yvette Cooper in go full on Blair and victory is yours

  2. #2

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post

    Did she .

    Didn't know .
    Didn't live there ??

    Neighbours think differently?

    Tax dodge ? Or Mistake ?

    Sir Kier didn't seem convinced last night in his interview.

    Labour MP wrong surely not.

    This is Tory territory.

    More fun to follow.

    Bring back Jezzie.

    Safe to say I've always disliked the woman and she does damage to the party . Get rid put Yvette Cooper in go full on Blair and victory is yours
    Blair is too left wing for this bunch of Thatcherites.

  3. #3

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Non story

  4. #4

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post

    Did she .

    Didn't know .
    Didn't live there ??

    Neighbours think differently?

    Tax dodge ? Or Mistake ?

    Sir Kier didn't seem convinced last night in his interview.

    Labour MP wrong surely not.

    This is Tory territory.

    More fun to follow.

    Bring back Jezzie.

    Safe to say I've always disliked the woman and she does damage to the party . Get rid put Yvette Cooper in go full on Blair and victory is yours
    Your normal crap as ever.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    No story ?????????

    Crap ???????


    Justice must be served

  6. #6

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Non story
    Not really. I suspect this one has further to go.

    The problem is she has been so zealous in criticising others that no one is minded to cut her slack, esp if it's related to tax dodging

  7. #7

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    I don't care wether she's done everything by the book

    The fact that she's bought a council house yet is a member of a party that rightly in my view criticises that policy for its negative effect on uk housing means she's full of crap and devoid of any true principles of fairness and integrity

    She's fake

  8. #8

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Heard her being interviewed on Radio 4 this morning. She is not a very convincing person all round.

  9. #9

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Even if it turns out she has wrongfully avoided tax, it pales into insignificance compared to what the Tories get up to, who are the champions of sleaze.

  10. #10

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Even if it turns out she has wrongfully avoided tax, it pales into insignificance compared to what the Tories get up to, who are the champions of sleaze.
    🤣. You must be on the payroll?

  11. #11

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I don't care wether she's done everything by the book

    The fact that she's bought a council house yet is a member of a party that rightly in my view criticises that policy for its negative effect on uk housing means she's full of crap and devoid of any true principles of fairness and integrity

    She's fake
    She bought her council house when she was a single mother of a son aged 9 and whilst working as a careworker in 2007. She didn’t make the rules on house buying and selling. Where was she supposed to live?

    I have no idea if she is guilty of tax evasion or if she lied about where she lived. If she does have something to answer for then she will be charged accordingly.

  12. #12

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I don't care wether she's done everything by the book

    The fact that she's bought a council house yet is a member of a party that rightly in my view criticises that policy for its negative effect on uk housing means she's full of crap and devoid of any true principles of fairness and integrity

    She's fake
    Fits in well in politics then

  13. #13

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    She bought her council house when she was a single mother of a son aged 9 and whilst working as a careworker in 2007. She didn’t make the rules on house buying and selling. Where was she supposed to live?

    I have no idea if she is guilty of tax evasion or if she lied about where she lived. If she does have something to answer for then she will be charged accordingly.
    I couldn't care less

    By buying a council house she's part of the problem

    She was given a council house because she was in housing need

    She repayed the kindness shown to her by buying the house and depriving other vulnerable people in the future of having a place to live .....because it became hers ....through luck .....

    She then sold it

    She's a hypocrite because she has often criticised conservative housing policy yet benefitted from it

    If you are defending her then it's a waste of time talking to me as as far as I am concerned she is full of crap

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Not going away police back interested .

    Will Sir Kier back her or do that ( I didn't notice Angela at the Durham curry night )..

    David the savour of all things Lammy says in her defence :

    From Spectator:
    Lammy’s response bordered on the shameless, explicitly stating that Labour shouldn’t be held to that same standard, because they are not yet the party of government. He told Phillips: ‘Look, I think there’s a different arrangement and expectation for the Prime Minister than there is in this context – we’re not yet in government.’

    That's a guilt me lord comment.

  15. #15

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

  16. #16

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Daily Mail Cartoon by any chance ?

    I can't stand the woman

  17. #17

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Not going away police back interested .

    Will Sir Kier back her or do that ( I didn't notice Angela at the Durham curry night )..

    David the savour of all things Lammy says in her defence :

    From Spectator:
    Lammy’s response bordered on the shameless, explicitly stating that Labour shouldn’t be held to that same standard, because they are not yet the party of government. He told Phillips: ‘Look, I think there’s a different arrangement and expectation for the Prime Minister than there is in this context – we’re not yet in government.’

    That's a guilt me lord comment.
    Any comments on your Tory mate, the dick picks and him handing out MP’s numbers after he was compromised?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Ange has been taken out of a lot of future publications as she is slowly being airbrushed out of existence , yes there ae awful Tories are there are Labour folk , her troubles is is the hypocrisy of shouting at other folk to show there tax returns .

    As for any Tory showing his dick they should go be taken down and prosecuted sadly he would be in there with many Labour male MP 's whose behavior's are beyond the pale ( see NEC report on sexual harassment in the party, antisemitism , female abuse .

    Lets be honest the Labour folk sometimes get a better deal as they can pretend to hide behind the caring socialists inclusivity for all banner .

    Anyone remember the Caerphilly Labour MP mucking around in the parks of London ???

    Labour MP Keith Vaz suspended for offering to buy drugs for sex workers ,failing to cooperate with an investigation ??

    How many does one need to hear about ??

    When parties are in power your MP 's get exposed in the media , so lets wait as we near the election we will find more and more nasty behavior's and traits that mirrors the Tories or anyone else who has power , money influence they soon forget their humble roots .

    Wragg is tosser by the way, no mate of mine does not represent my way of life or how my mum brought me as , oh by the way Angela is not a nice woman if one digs deep enough , socialists have been conned , Kier has much better standards sadly he has to be pander to the left of the party , who are not that nice , in some ways no better than the right of the Tories .

  19. #19

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post

    Did she .

    Didn't know .
    Didn't live there ??

    Neighbours think differently?

    Tax dodge ? Or Mistake ?

    Sir Kier didn't seem convinced last night in his interview.

    Labour MP wrong surely not.

    This is Tory territory.

    More fun to follow.

    Bring back Jezzie.

    Safe to say I've always disliked the woman and she does damage to the party . Get rid put Yvette Cooper in go full on Blair and victory is yours
    Don’t you know there’s a war on?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    Don’t you know there’s a war on?
    yes ,so bring in Blair , Maddy Alastair Campbell,Cooper ,Balls ,Brown , oh hang on there in the party backrooms now plotting the next war , and down fall of the left ,the secret Tories that lay within the party are back and functioning very well

  21. #21

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    She's not chuckling .
    She maybe chucking up.
    Her profile is slipping .
    She may have to hand back her I Pods , claimed for via public purse expenses ( yep we pay for those )

  23. #23

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    I'm not a fan of her behaviour here as I mentioned in the other thread but it feels like the mud slinging has lost his effect. Stories like this would have cut through previously and just hasn't, bit like the 14 day 28 page spread in the right wing press about Keir having a curry, it didn't really move the dial at all.

  24. #24

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    My opinion is this

    Anyone like Angela Rayner who bangs the drum about the Tories yet buys her council house then sells it .....thus depriving another young family in housing need from getting one .....is a complete hypocrite

    It's like complaining about the privatisation of everything under Thatcher whilst having shares in BT , British Gas and several water companies

    I hope she sinks

  25. #25

    Re: Angela Raynor In The Spotlight

    Under Police Investigation now.

    That process should be allowed to conclude, but when Bozza was under investigation she suggested he should resign.

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