Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
He did nothing wrong on beergate in much the same way as Dominic Cummings did nothing wrong and he was dragged over the coals by every media organisation going.

Whats my bias then? I see a lot of wild anti-Tory posts on here that are wildly over the top and am critical of that stance. In the unlikely event someone does the same I'll try and comment on it. My position is that no one party is better than the other.

Welsh Govt isn't a corner shop. The are in control of my kids education and all of our healthcare, if nothing else!
Not totally true he wouldn't confirm when first asked if Angela was present think he said im not sure. ??
Really big gobby Ange , her ginger tossed hair and bover boots hard to miss.

If I was a betting man I bet new
new ,new, Labour want Ange gone, bit like the Boris mystery photo's and dismissal , I'd not be shocked if this story was leaked from within Labour to the Mail..

Lets be honest for some time now she has been well shut down , very few media appearances .

She was shagging the next big Maxist (Corbyn of the far left) and that would worry Sir Far Right Kier mob .

Blair / Maddy/ Campbell (the key advisors ) probably said she has to go Kier , she has to go , .. she is bloody trouble ,we can see it brewing .