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Thread: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

  1. #1

    Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting


    Bloody good lad

    That soppy old tart nigel farage was mumbling and moaning

    Cruella Fuhrer Braverman was there too ......which surprised me .....at a right wing rally ....??

  2. #2

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    The irony of calling others 'fuhrer' when you are celebrating the police being called to break up a meeting of political opponents is obviously lost on you!

  3. #3

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    The irony of calling others 'fuhrer' when you are celebrating the police being called to break up a meeting of political opponents is obviously lost on you!
    I would have just locked the idiots in the building

    No food , no water

    I remember the Manchester students Union banning the young tories from having any meetings on college premises which was great , I was all for that

    Pests and vermin

  4. #4

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Why was Cruella, a member of the UK government attending this event and speaking alongside right wing nut jobs? Why isn’t she in the UK Parliament representing her constituents? Why because the little pipsqueak of a PM is terrified of her and has no backbone.

    And as for the Nicotined Stained Frog, doesn’t he realise Brussels exercised their rights as a sovereign country? Leave means Leave Nige old boy, back you come.

  5. #5

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    The irony of calling others 'fuhrer' when you are celebrating the police being called to break up a meeting of political opponents is obviously lost on you!
    Political opponents have you seen some of the speakers and their views. Do you agree with members of the UK Government sharing a platform with these people?

    One speaker is under investigation for right wing extremism. Another speaker argued that the Christchurch mosque shooter had legitimate concerns. Another speaker argued gay marriage is a destructive experiment.

  6. #6

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I would have just locked the idiots in the building

    No food , no water

    I remember the Manchester students Union banning the young tories from having any meetings on college premises which was great , I was all for that

    Pests and vermin
    I know you would, but that's cos you are a little fashy yourself!

  7. #7

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Stopping a 1930s early Nazi conference may have saved millions of lives. Well done Belgium.

  8. #8

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    Stopping a 1930s early Nazi conference may have saved millions of lives. Well done Belgium.
    Stopping a 1917 style Soviet one may have saved millions of lives too. Should we send the police into any left wing meeting?

  9. #9

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Stopping a 1917 style Soviet one may have saved millions of lives too. Should we send the police into any left wing meeting?
    That depends what they are advocating. The end of an imperialistic dictatorship - no. Bringing back Liz Truss? Yes

  10. #10

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I know you would, but that's cos you are a little fashy yourself!
    Trampling on tory students is not fascism

    It's public service

  11. #11

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Stopping a 1917 style Soviet one may have saved millions of lives too. Should we send the police into any left wing meeting?

    Anything that relegates poncey students from Surrey to a greasy spoon cafe for their meetings is top bombing

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Democracy at play, did they allow BLM, marches that effected pedestrians.

    Belgium is known as the service stop station of Europe, probably sums them up fairly well.

  13. #13

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Farage is one of the nastiest Kents on the planet.

    Can't someone make it look like ..........................

  14. #14

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    If only

  15. #15

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    I see that the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander de Croo (who knew?!) has condemned the decision to close it down. Thats being a good liberal.

    As the BBC news just said too, it's a relatively small conference, with some big names, but this buys it coverage money can't buy.

  16. #16

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I see that the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander de Croo (who knew?!) has condemned the decision to close it down. Thats being a good liberal.

    As the BBC news just said too, it's a relatively small conference, with some big names, but this buys it coverage money can't buy.
    Hello Everyone

    We are a bunch of immigrant hating right wing twats


    Not sure that's great publicity

    I mean loads of people know braverman is right wing gestapo material , this thing is not going to win her any friends

    Maybe they should have another one next year

  17. #17

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Hello Everyone

    We are a bunch of immigrant hating right wing twats


    Not sure that's great publicity

    I mean loads of people know braverman is right wing gestapo material , this thing is not going to win her any friends

    Maybe they should have another one next year
    Can't you stop talking bollocks for just one day? Or perhaps stop after 11pm or something?

    It really is a trend with you now. Ignore what's happened or whats been said, make something up entirely that fits some very specific doctrinal position forged in the 1970s and then argue against that instead.


  18. #18

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Can't you stop talking bollocks for just one day? Or perhaps stop after 11pm or something?

    It really is a trend with you now. Ignore what's happened or whats been said, make something up entirely that fits some very specific doctrinal position forged in the 1970s and then argue against that instead.

    Factually a load of right wing twats had a meeting in Brussels

    That's not bollocks

    Another fact is you probably wanted to go to the meeting to meet farage and drink port with the chief dealer of crap

    And you have pictures of herr braverman on your wall next to Thatcher with a Tommy gun

    I will pay for your ticket next year

  19. #19

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    I enjoy a good political debate.

    But as with so many of them this one has again descended into the usual cobblers.

    When a post in the thread talks about a right wing Tory mp (who incidentally is far too right wing for me, and the thought of her being Tory leader after the election is really beyond the pale) in the same breath as the gestapo you know it's past it's sell by date.

  20. #20

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    I enjoy a good political debate.

    But as with so many of them this one has again descended into the usual cobblers.

    When a post in the thread talks about a right wing Tory mp (who incidentally is far too right wing for me, and the thought of her being Tory leader after the election is really beyond the pale) in the same breath as the gestapo you know it's past it's sell by date.
    You’re looking at it from the wrong direction. Those people started out by trying to get elected and appearing all common sense and reasonable. Notice the similarities?

  21. #21

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    You’re looking at it from the wrong direction. Those people started out by trying to get elected and appearing all common sense and reasonable. Notice the similarities?
    To the Gestapo?


    I don't usually use crude language but really, nothing else will suffice

    And telling me I am looking at it "from the wrong direction" is condescending claptrap I am afraid

  22. #22

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    Why was Cruella, a member of the UK government attending this event and speaking alongside right wing nut jobs? Why isn’t she in the UK Parliament representing her constituents? Why because the little pipsqueak of a PM is terrified of her and has no backbone.

    And as for the Nicotined Stained Frog, doesn’t he realise Brussels exercised their rights as a sovereign country? Leave means Leave Nige old boy, back you come.
    Suella Braverman is not a member of the government. She is a back bencher. She was perfectly entitled to attend this conference. I don’t like her or Farage but the comparisons to the Nazis or Gestapo are ludicrous and juvenile.

  23. #23

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by blue sky View Post
    Suella Braverman is not a member of the government. She is a back bencher. She was perfectly entitled to attend this conference. I don’t like her or Farage but the comparisons to the Nazis or Gestapo are ludicrous and juvenile.
    Well said.

  24. #24

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    That depends what they are advocating. The end of an imperialistic dictatorship - no. Bringing back Liz Truss? Yes
    I see Truss was saying Farage should join the Tory party yesterday - the attention that woman gets since her humiliation as Prime Minister is astonishing. Thing is, she, and Farage, have powerful and influential backers who see the current UK Government as too left wing. Assuming Labour win the election when it comes, they’d better make a good job of running the country because what may come after them makes me despair for the youngsters of today.

  25. #25

    Re: Brussels Mayor Tries To Stop Right Wing Conservative Meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    Well said.

    This is a common theme though. It's fair enough to not support a certain political view. The world would be boring if we all thought the same (although personally I think people should listen to them all with an open mind anyway. Only the other day Bob was going on about GB News for example and then later admitted he doesn't watch it), but to seek to shut down alternative views is something else entirely.

    They will characterise them as something they aren't, littered with language like "Hitler", "Nazis" and the now ubiquitous"Far-Right" - a label about as devalued as a Venezuelan Bolivar - and then present themselves as honourable in standing against it, but they aren't, because the characterisation is false - a straw man. It happens in the other direction too, where things are labelled as "communist", "fifth-column" and the like.

    And again, the irony of cheering the police closing down a peaceful political conference whilst denouncing "fascism" is so obvious you need to wear sun glasses to read CCMB as its almost blinding.

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