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Thread: Oh dear.

  1. #26

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Mmm a tasty Sludge word salad to go with the nothing burger that this story is.
    50 people see that a tory has acted like a duffer but not JamesWales

    JamesWales.........is the sword and shield of tory justice !

    It would be funny if it wasn't so embarrassing for you

  2. #27

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    50 people see that a tory has acted like a duffer but not JamesWales

    JamesWales.........is the sword and shield of tory justice !

    It would be funny if it wasn't so embarrassing for you
    So do you actually think that the MP in question thinks Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the same country do you?

    Be honest.

  3. #28

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    So do you actually think that the MP in question thinks Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the same country do you?

    Be honest.
    Yes he's an asshole

    There's plenty of thick public school boys in the tory party

    5 posters on here think he's an idiot

    You don't

    I am afraid you have been flattened

  4. #29

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Yes he's an asshole

    There's plenty of thick public school boys in the tory party

    5 posters on here think he's an idiot

    You don't

    I am afraid you have been flattened
    DR Congo is the second biggest country in Africa and widely known. Rwanda is widely known from the genocide in the past and from political debate here for the last couple of years.

    Thinking they are the same country is like thinking Germany and Poland are the same country.

    I don't believe you actually believe that, you are just happy being whipped up into a pretend frenzy by an video edited to end before he even finished the answer and so that you can moan about the Tories on the internet on a Friday night.

    Get a grip Mr kneejerk.

  5. #30
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    DR Congo is the second biggest country in Africa and widely known. Rwanda is widely known from the genocide in the past and from political debate here for the last couple of years.

    Thinking they are the same country is like thinking Germany and Poland are the same country.

    I don't believe you actually believe that, you are just happy being whipped up into a pretend frenzy by an video edited to end before he even finished the answer and so that you can moan about the Tories on the internet on a Friday night.

    Get a grip Mr kneejerk.
    If he had said 'Congo is a different country from Rwanda, isn't it' as a statement you might (just might) have a point.

    But he didn't. He said it as a question.

    In the moment he tied himself in a knot, looked a total idiot and (until his central office autopilot kicked in) failed to answer a simple audience question.

    His grasp of geography may have improved by the following morning - but the following morning wasn't what was beamed to millions of viewers.

    As a media event it was a perfect summary of the entire Rwanda Scheme scandal.

  6. #31

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    If he had said 'Congo is a different country from Rwanda, isn't it' as a statement you might (just might) have a point.

    But he didn't. He said it as a question.

    In the moment he tied himself in a knot, looked a total idiot and (until his central office autopilot kicked in) failed to answer a simple audience question.

    His grasp of geography may have improved by the following morning - but the following morning wasn't what was beamed to millions of viewers.

    As a media event it was a perfect summary of the entire Rwanda Scheme scandal.
    But that's not now live TV works is it. Last month Sadiq Khan said that Labour is an anti-Semitic party. Clearly didn't mean it.


    Last year The Conservatives London mayor candidate said she wanted to be the first female Labour mayor. Clearly didn't mean it.


    This guy was asked a question, which included the city of Goma (adjacent to Rwanda but in the DR Congo), stated ( you say asked) that they were seperate countries and then gave a clear answer that was edited out of Bobs initial video.

    Again, I think it highly unlikely he doesn't know that DR Congo and Rwanda are different countries. They are both well known states.

    Mistakes, gaffes, poorly worded answers happen, as do rhetorical questions in day to day interactions . It doesn't mean someone is thick and it doesn't mean they think two countries are the same place.

  7. #32

    Re: Oh dear.

    Right at the start, the man asking the question of Philp states that Congo and Rwanda are neighbouring countries, so what is the point of the MP’s question, “rhetorical “ or otherwise?

    I’ve just searched “Chris Philp Rwanda” on the browser Safari and the results show that it’s not the non story that just one contributor to this thread is trying to make it out to be - incidentally, I see the I article I put a link to which listed other gaffes by the accident prone Mr Philp did not get a response from the one person in this thread who thinks what the MP said was perfectly fair and reasonable.

  8. #33

    Re: Carwyn Jones to investigate Gethin bribe.....

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Lol - Welsh Labour have acted swiftly and decisively - they are going to investigate and they have instructed ex Labour Firs Minister Carwyn Jones to do the inquiry.... so absolutely no bias there then
    Apart from the fact that Wes Streeting looked incredulous at what Philp said, this thread has got nothing to do with the Labour Party, so what is the point of your post in the context of this thread? There is an accusation of a knee jerk reaction in this thread, but I can spot two more extreme reactions of one in this conversation and neither of them involve Sludge - ar least you and Cedric haven’t stooped to making out Philp didn’t make a complete fool of himself I suppose, so that’s something in your favour.

  9. #34

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Right at the start, the man asking the question of Philp states that Congo and Rwanda are neighbouring countries, so what is the point of the MP’s question, “rhetorical “ or otherwise?

    I’ve just searched “Chris Philp Rwanda” on the browser Safari and the results show that it’s not the non story that just one contributor to this thread is trying to make it out to be - incidentally, I see the I article I put a link to which listed other gaffes by the accident prone Mr Philp did not get a response from the one person in this thread who thinks what the MP said was perfectly fair and reasonable.
    More than anything I just disagree with you labelling people "thick" and misrepresenting what happened based on a programme you didn't watch and the sharing of a video edited to end before the questioned was answered.

    It suits your narrative and that's why you did it. Not an interest in the pursuit of truth. It's gutter politics IMO.

    And as I said earlier. I don't for one second believe you think he believes Rwanda and DR Congo are the same country any more than Susan Hall thinks she will be the next Labour mayor or Diane Abbott thinks you can employ a police officer for £100 a year or whatever she said.

    The irony is these kind of videos and the kind of posts you made will be made throughout politics nationally and globally and it's why populism rises. Short, snappy and unrepresentative videos designed fundamentally to mislead.

    Well done! Lock her up! Sleepy Joe! The Politician doesn't know Rwanda from Congo! etc etc. It's all the same playbook. We all lose because there are plenty like you on the right too.

  10. #35

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    More than anything I just disagree with you labelling people "thick" and misrepresenting what happened based on a programme you didn't watch and the sharing of a video edited to end before the questioned was answered.

    It suits your narrative and that's why you did it. Not an interest in the pursuit of truth. It's gutter politics IMO.

    And as I said earlier. I don't for one second believe you think he believes Rwanda and DR Congo are the same country any more than Susan Hall thinks she will be the next Labour mayor or Diane Abbott thinks you can employ a police officer for £100 a year or whatever she said.

    The irony is these kind of videos and the kind of posts you made will be made throughout politics nationally and globally and it's why populism rises. Short, snappy and unrepresentative videos designed fundamentally to mislead.

    Well done! Lock her up! Sleepy Joe! The Politician doesn't know Rwanda from Congo! etc etc. It's all the same playbook. We all lose because there are plenty like you on the right too.
    You're so selective in the way you put your arguments. First, you've ignored my first paragraph where I point out that the man who asked the question clearly stated that the two countries concerned are neighbours., That appeared in the video I first linked, so there's enough there to justify the incredulity which greeted Philp's rhetorical or otherwise question without having to watch any more..

    You home in me saying I hadn't watched the Question Time at the time I started the thread, I have done now and I saw nothing in it to justify the lengths you've gone to defending a Minister who, as I've shown by posting that I article, has previous for this sort of thing.

    Let's get it clear about my use of the word "idiot" as well. What I said was that the Philp could be considered an idiot compared to his predecessors in other Conservative Governments. A man so error prone as him would have been unlikely to get a job in many previous Tory administrations because he wouldn't have been good enough - the ineptitude of so many with jobs in the current Government is another sign of the damage done by Johnson when he kicked out experienced Parliamentarians who could have been moderating influences on some of the Government's wilder excesses. Although I didn't just come out and call Philp an idiot, there was a context to it that you arena't acknowledging, the more I learn about the man, the more it becomes clear, I should have just forgotten that context and made your day be calling him an idiot straight out because that's how he came over on Thursday night.

  11. #36

    Re: Oh dear.

    Another gold for James in the mental gymnastics competition.

    If it makes the tories look bad he can't see the reality no matter the overwhelming evidence.

  12. #37

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You're so selective in the way you put your arguments.
    I'm glad you've also noticed it, he is the master of cherry picking.

  13. #38

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Another gold for James in the mental gymnastics competition.

    If it makes the tories look bad he can't see the reality no matter the overwhelming evidence.
    He can see the reality , he knows the reality and he knows we know he's being silly

    But he won't allow it

  14. #39

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Another gold for James in the mental gymnastics competition.

    If it makes the tories look bad he can't see the reality no matter the overwhelming evidence.
    Do you realise what is going on in the real world whilst this was created as a thread.

    There is zero chance or me starting a thread on a Labour, Lib Dem, SNP or any other politician and calling them thick based on a video like this.

    The responses are always coming back from the hyperbolic threads and posts that always ignore one side and make a ridiculous deal over anything associated with the other. At least Bob knows recognises the response may have been rhetorical.

    And again, if any of you seriously think he doesn't know that these two well known countries are indeed different countries then I have a bridge between Congo and Rwanda to sell you!

    Absolutely ridiculous.

  15. #40

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Do you realise what is going on in the real world whilst this was created as a thread.

    There is zero chance or me starting a thread on a Labour, Lib Dem, SNP or any other politician and calling them thick based on a video like this.

    The responses are always coming back from the hyperbolic threads and posts that always ignore one side and make a ridiculous deal over anything associated with the other. At least Bob knows recognises the response may have been rhetorical.

    And again, if any of you seriously think he doesn't know that these two well known countries are indeed different countries then I have a bridge between Congo and Rwanda to sell you!

    Absolutely ridiculous.

    What's absolutely ridiculous is you think we believe any of your nonsense anymore

    It's embarrassing

    If you were told the earth is round you would say it was flat

    And it's the same with your sycophantic defence of the Tories since you started posting on here

    Anything negative about them and you are either defending the tossers or saying yeah but what about the other lot ?

    It's pathetic

  16. #41

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    What's absolutely ridiculous is you think we believe any of your nonsense anymore

    It's embarrassing

    If you were told the earth is round you would say it was flat

    And it's the same with your sycophantic defence of the Tories since you started posting on here

    Anything negative about them and you are either defending the tossers or saying yeah but what about the other lot ?

    It's pathetic
    Well maybe we should have more threads that don't start with selectively edited videos calling people thick when they give responses that are undeniably questionable in their meaning?

    That way we can distinguish between those "party people" who blindly follow one party and those who just dislike that kind of aggressive populist playbook?

    In fairness, you did that with the Rachel Reeves thread and I gave a reasonable answer, no? I think she's alright.

    By the way, first time I've done this, but I ripped up my poll card for the Police and Crime Commissioner election this week, so that demonstrates my enthusiasm for anyone party.

    Anyway, as im sure most of us are, I'm just boarding a train to get down the City so let's come together for a few hours at least!

  17. #42

    Re: Oh dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Well maybe we should have more threads that don't start with selectively edited videos calling people thick when they give responses that are undeniably questionable in their meaning?

    That way we can distinguish between those "party people" who blindly follow one party and those who just dislike that kind of aggressive populist playbook?

    In fairness, you did that with the Rachel Reeves thread and I gave a reasonable answer, no? I think she's alright.

    By the way, first time I've done this, but I ripped up my poll card for the Police and Crime Commissioner election this week, so that demonstrates my enthusiasm for anyone party.

    Anyway, as im sure most of us are, I'm just boarding a train to get down the City so let's come together for a few hours at least!
    Up yours !

    2 nil city

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