Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
Thank goodness for that. An even darker and more bitter person than Sturgeon.

With his pettty hate crime laws and nefarious ways of working his end couldn’t come soon enough. Time for the great Scots to carefully consider their next option. Female, Black, Asian, White male - none of these cosmetic, superficial things matter. As Martin Luther King said: “People need to be judged not by the colour of their skin but the content of their character”. That applies across the board.

Leaders need to be optimists, visionaries. inspiring, organisers, communicators and have an idea of solutions to modern problems. Options?

Gray - no way, a meanish persona

Gilruth - Offputting grunt

Swinney - like most SNP beefheads, a pain in the arse but at least capable and not divisive

Forbes - a bit inexperienced but popular persona

Smart money must surely be on the last two.

With Scottish Labour being useless, bent and mafia like, Scottish Tories weird, this should be a chance for Lib Dems. But as always, a bit like in Wales and England they don’t develop leaders. Nor articulate plans. They seem to be a cabal of pot-heads, sandal wearing institutionalised academics or do-gooders insulated from the real world. As for the Greens, this was supposed to be a serious topic so we’ll park that there. There is always another time for jokes.

Scotland. Once known for the hard working, empire-building entrepreneurial brains of the UK, legends of shipping, global exploring and pioneering banks. Now known for bent politics, fear-mongering, petty bickering and wind farms. One great country gone to the dogs and now struggling to produce a single great politician. That said, not too indifferent to England, but both ahead of Welsh politics.

Across Wales, England and Scorland can I count three superb politicians across all parties? At the moment I cannot think of one. What a sad state of affairs.
Who is the sexy looking red head from the alba party ?

She would get my vote