Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
We can park Dawkins until we have the opportunity to examine how he has done when faced with an intelligent theist. I look forward to that.

As for 'science' - it certainly did live up to it's definition of certain knowledge in those early days. Now in our generation, that verified knowledge has got all mixed in with speculation, with the inevitable apologies and corrections flowing out later on when further investigation proves that the former 'scientific' discovery is no more than fiction.

I noticed you've run a mile from testing the Bible re science & history, and so would I if I were placed in your position.
I haven't run a mile from anything - and I don't know why you choose to be so unpleasant with your unneccessary, sneering comments.

I responded to Gofer in the first instance and not about the existence or otherwise of your god.

I have found it fruitless debating the veracity of many Bible stories, the list below being a sample, with people who believe them lock, stock and barrel - and I recognise that I won't change believers regarding their belief in those stories and those believers have never produced sufficient evidence to me to prove their veracity. I therefore saw the situation as an en passe and took a step back. (I can be usually be tempted to engage in dialogue with posters who remain civil but you come over as quite nasty).

1. The virgin birth
2. Eve being created from Adam's rib
3. Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt.
4. The talking snake.
5. Water being turned into wine.
6. A talking donkey.
7. The existence of Nephilim.
8. Jonah being in the belly of a fish for three days.
9. Adam living for 930 years.
10. The existence of demon pigs.