Quote Originally Posted by Father Dougal View Post
Paul abbondanto was saying bulut maybe divides fan opinion more than any other manager for 60 years or so.

There is clearly plenty of debate but broadly it seems to me there is a reasonable consensus.

I think most think extending his stay for a year contract is reasonable, even if reluctantly so.

I think even his biggest supporters would say just an extra year is fine.

Of course some Will think he doesn't deserve one more day and others Will think he should be backed for a 3 or 4 year deal and is building something. However I do think the majority would be in the camp of offering him a slightly longer stay albeit with little enthusiasm.

That fair?

And in fairness to the club from what bulut is sharing publicly it seems like that's where the Club are. Willing to let him stay but not on a huge contract with full control etc.....

For what it's worth i expect an announcement thanking him for his services and announcing the parting of ways will be on the official website in about 10 days.
Still think this personally.