I have watched 'Baby Reindeer', and it is excellent television - streets ahead of some of the mindless pap they put out these days - BUT it IS very dark, and it certainly won't be to everyone's taste. If you haven't seen it, it's about a guy stalked by a clingy woman, but it doesn't go the way you'd expect it to. Not at all. Some of it you'll probably watch through your fingers.
In fact, the story is so mind-boggling that it's hard to believe it is actually true. The writer (and main actor) has stressed that it IS true, so you have to wonder why on earth he would want all that information out in the public domain? Some some of mental catharsis, perhaps, but still.
Also, by insisting that it is indeed true, he's left himself open to possible legal action, from not one, but at least two of the people represented in the show. Netflix must have gone from celebrating a big hit with massive viewer numbers, to wondering when the lawsuits were going to arrive. But if it isn't true, then he's been lying not only to Netflix, but to the public as well.
What's clear is that there are at least three people who need serious help, not only dealing with the aftermath of this public outing, but also with their own inner demons.