Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
I think most people would be hard pressed to point out exactly what a certain manager or coach is particularly good at

I don't think its necessarily just his ability as a coach that people point out, he's obviously decent enough at it as you don't get a pro job without being a good coach but there's a wider body of work with Wales that people point at away from the first team setup. He was the technical director for Wales from the late noughties up until Euro 2016 and is credited for implementing a lot of the stuff that helped Wales be successful. He oversaw the teams below the first team and setup the "Welsh way" pathway that saw all the teams play the same way, push home importance of playing for Wales and spotting dual nationals as well as helping professionalise the whole setup. He's also a big part of the Welsh coach development setup which has gone from nothing to being one of the best around. He was supposedly the tactical brain behind Speed and (especially) Coleman. He did a similar technical director job at Morrocco. I don't see him as a first team manager type

Thing is there though is no silver bullet, there's so many moving parts to football that just going and getting Osian Roberts and making him manager won't magically turn us into a Brighton, but bringing in Roberts, or someone like him, in that kind of technical director role and backing him to oversee modernising the club would be a step in the right direction imo
Fair enough, thanks for the detailed reply. I wasn't being flippant by asking, i genuinely didn't know what he does or has done.