Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
It wouldn't make any difference if he came every year, especially in these "technologically superior" times when AI can be used to fake anything, giving the skeptics all the ammo they need to reject him. I think I have said to you before, if Jesus turned up at your house today you would find a multitude of reasons to deny him as your mind is already made up.

Re: miracles. I was being honest in my report about the lad with spina bifida. It is the only miracle I have witnessed myself in over 40 years as a Christian and I have no explanation as to why he never walked again. Why would you be surprised that this event took place in a church? How often would a stranger approach a boy (who he doesn't know) in a wheelchair in a public space and tell him to get up and walk? Not too often I suspect. I thought for a moment you might have proposed that a mass-hallucination event had occurred, which is a popular "explanation" on occasions.
If God and Jesus shows me they exist then I am on the bus to paradise with you lot