Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
So this God knows that bad things are going to happen , has the power ...according to the omnipotent theory ....to stop them but doesn't?

The Jews have been on the end of some savage treatment since god said they were his people .....hundreds of years of murder and abuse ....but god hasn't done anything to help them?

Doesn't that tell you either God isn't that great and loving or.....he doesn't exist ?
Well isn't it true that in the majority of cases that our parents allow us to go our own way, make our own decisions, however much they may know that those decisions will lead to grief. However none of this means they love us any less, and if they did try and tell us to take the opposite direction they would (in most cases) be met with derision!
God deeply cares for each one of us; and knowing that we are all only experiencing the opening chapter (no matter how old we are) of our existance, then He has intervened with a rescue mission to solve our deepest problem.
You already know all about Christ's death on the Cross which has paid the penalty for our rebellion against God. If we choose to ignore that offer of being equitted by taking Christ as our Saviour then that is our own choice.

This guy did accept God's offer > Clarence.