Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
"1. New Labour 2006-2010 (1997-2005 was OK and fhey were good) . When Brown started yanking control of the government departments around 2005 the rot started. The government spending and debt started wasnaccelerating from around 2006, prior to the crash. But the GFC crash made it worse."

I disagree slightly - The rot started when Brown went nuts on PFI and hid it off the balance books. Giving us growth of around 3.5% which baffled everyone until we realised he had hidden PFI from the books. Things were on average 300% more expensive using PFI. Those chickens came home to roost when the Tories got in (great timing by Brown) - add in the the crash in the Brown / Darling years, plus Browns very light touch on the financial regulations and it was the ultimate curve ball from the socialist's financial rule book.

A few years later add in Brexit, Covid, Ukraine - and I'm surprised any politician left standing has not had a nervous breakdown. Listening to Rayner and Starma now saying - all you have to do is vote for us and our problems will be solved is just not true - unfortunately. All they will do is take us back to the 1970's, unions, strikes, militant tendency and re nationalisation.
Hilariously biased to the point where it isn't even worth reading anything you write.

Essentially labours woes were entirely caused by themselves and the Tories were just unlucky with world events. Yeah right buddy, you must be the last person in the UK who believes that.