Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
‘Biblical principles’?

What ‘principles’ are you going to cherry pick to justify that statement?

If you mean both were founded on the principles of violence and racism you might have a point - although the separation of church from state in the USA doesn't fit with most of your Old Testament theocracy.

And The Book of Armageddon is the best bit!
For someone who chooses to cherry pick parts of the Bible lifted out of their given context to fit their anti-christ agenda, then there is no hope of them understanding what 'Biblical Principles' means, thanks for ticking that box.

As for looking at the state of America today, which is a patchy image from those who are living as Christ would want, to those like yourself who only have a completely secular and policitical mindset, then that has little to do with the founding of the Nation which was the issue being addressed.