Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
What a load of immature rubbish that post is. Your post is political. Mine is based on economic statistics, andnexperience in the City around that time, and another 12 years after it.

Government was already running a budget deficit more than a 2 years before recession / GFC, starting around 2006


Debt to GDP (switch to max). After New Labourbperiod of stability, and sticking to Ken Clarke’s spending plans in 97-2003, the acceleration in debt start in 2004-05, some 3-4 years before the GFC. You can also see the debt stabilised by Cameron/Osborne around 2014-16 period. Until other Tories took charge and blasted debt out of the water and resumed upward path.


So you can “call out” what you want Eric. Or think so. But you have called out nothing - except your own stupidity. You are clearly that out of your depth that you have tried to argue that black is white, with no basic reference to data sources at all: just biased hot air. Let’s not get into CV-comparing around this subject or it could get very embarrassing very quickly for you. This is a new low for you as a messageboard Wind Up Merchant. Clearly you are way out of your depth on this one.

Sorry to be blunt, but you deserve it - you haven’t even got the most basic of secondary school skills to even reference or find the secondary source of info. Find another subject son, but you will not be duelling me for long on this subject. You’re like a ten year old boy trying to advise John Holmes on how to grow a decent cock.

Stick to abuse. You have an O Level in that I am sure. Or making a cup of tea. Be a good boy, now.
Well I am glad you have finally managed to get the opportunity to tell everybody how clever you are but I am afraid you just look like another frustrated failure throwing their weight around on a message board that nobody reads.

Where does such a successful and intelligent man find the time to write 1500 word essays about nothing that often nobody reads or replies to? It must be because they aren't clever enough to understand what you are saying. I tend to think the measure of someone's intellect is whether they can concisely capture their thoughts on a topic in a way which others can quickly understand, you can't do this.

Thank you for introducing me to the 'budget deficit' as you call it. I hadn't heard of that before, you have clearly done your research on this topic and proven yet again what a intellectual heavyweight you are.

They reduced the budget deficit because their sole focus was on reducing the budget deficit, at all costs. Political parties do this, they make a pledge and then ignore the overwhelming downsides they encounter to achieve that pledge. The costs were social and economic, the social costs were well publicised with, amongst other things, people killing themselves because of the undue pressure they were put under. The economic cost was a missed opportunity, interest rates were at basement levels for years and we didn't build enough across all sectors for ideological reasons. Almost every crisis we face now was worsened under the Cameron government in pursuit of 'balancing the books'. Companies do not invest in countries that don't invest in themselves.