Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post

So this is what 200k looks like, in return for the investigation being dropped and then going on to win Welsh Gov contracts.
"Jeremy Miles donations - Total £58,800
Vaughan Gething's donations - Total £254,600

Dauson Environmental Group Ltd - £200,000
The Cardiff-based environmental firm is run by a man who was prosecuted for illegally dumping waste on a conservation site. The same day the company made a donation they also applied to build a solar farm which would require ministerial approval. So Gething's Welsh Gov will be in a position where they have to approve the application of a company that bankrolled him into his role. Gething has also lobbied extensively for the company over their disagreement with Natural Resources Wales."

And that from Wales Online - the unofficial mouth piece of Welsh Labour - Gething is getting a leathering by the Tafia
He's sacked one of his ministers today for allegedly leaking information

I predict he will be gone at some point and Jeremy Miles will be leader