Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
Unlike your own, their abitions & destiny don't end on this crumbling planet, that much is certain.

No, trusting God's Word makes perfect sense, if you test it, what is preposterous is trusting in scientists who can't answer ANY of life's big questions, offer you zero hope and leave you angry, frustrated and without answers.
What you are wanting here is hope......answers to lifes big questions ?

For me they are food , shelter , trying to help someone , etc

Loads of people on this planet have hope and are frustrated by life but are not angry or frustrated by the questions YOU want answered ......which is basically the afterlife

I cannot trust God or jesus as I have been here for 5 decades and they have never got in touch and I don't know anyone who has spoken to them

Some people say they have but that's either fellow religious people like you and I simply don't believe them or people who have severe psychiatric problems and hear voices or suffer delusions like schizophrenics or those with bipolar disorder

They often say they are talking to God when very unwell but when they recover from an episode they accept they were not of sound mind

There is no evidence at all of God's word , voice , public appearances in all these years

We have had cameras , film producers and people who say they have seen or talked to God......no recordings or photos or film of God at all ......you would have thought in all this time God would have used his powers to let mankind he was there and those that witnessed his presence would have filmed or recorded it

It's 2024 , let's have some evidence

If I want evidence of a drug being given to me by a doctor for back pain being effective I can speak to him , other people , nhs 111 ,read the leaflet in with the package , look on the internet for the views of other users and try the medication and find out wether or not it actually helps

I can make an informed decision based on scientific research , lab tests , the knowledge and experience of highly trained doctors

Whereas someone can stand up in an evangelical church , sing a few songs, tell everyone about how great God is without any evidence he exists and if someone gets cancer then wether he lives or dies all depends on God who is the supreme decision maker

Absolute nonsense

If it gives people comfort then that's up to them , I prefer to listen to music , go fishing , give some money to a homeless charity without being guided by someone who doesn't exist or his followers