Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
Not having a go at you here, but this bollocks about Bulut not being able to get the players he wanted really makes me laugh. After all, wouldn’t all Championship managers like to be able to spend more money and bring in better players if they could? What makes Bulut so special in that regard? And what evidence is there to suggest he’d bring in genuinely decent players if he did have more to spend?

This is the Championship and he took a job at a mid-ranking club that loses millions every year. Like most managers in this division he was never going to have much money to spend. And if he was banking on signing Kieffer bloody Moore, then more fool him.

One thing’s for sure, he had a bigger playing budget here than he did at any of the minor Turkish clubs he’s managed. As for Fenerbache, I’ve no idea what he was able to spend as manager there, but whatever it was it didn’t do him much good as he was given the boot after eight months.
Not really the point, of course they do. But if as reported and as from what I remember from Bulut and Dalmans comments Bulut made preparations for January and the budget was slashed early January and new targets had to be made, but at the end of the day that’s his job to find new players. I’m just not sure he chose those players in January, just a gut instinct. I don’t think that’s the same scenario as “just not getting what he wants”. But like I said it’s his job to get the best out of what he has and mould them into a team, that for me is where he fails.

No idea what he spent elsewhere.