Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
I havent read this 100 year old book. But Morrison I believe was a church goer and from what I can gather is virtually all his evidence is from the gospels.

Also isnt it the resurrection hes specifcally looking at?

Doesnt he almost immediately into this book describe those who deny the historical existence of Jesus as an absurd cult.?

The book was written in 1930 so yes, nearly 100 years ago but of what significance that is I don't follow. Has some later evidence come to light that disproves what he has written?

He was a church-goer I believe, but that doesn't mean he was a Christian of course! It seems he was a sceptic just as I was before I read his book. I was a church-goer too until my mid teens when I got into science and dismissed Christianity for the next 25 years or so. Most of his evidence is from the gospels but he does also refer to Jewish texts and archeological evidence.

Yes the book is all about the resurrection because this is the crux of the Christian faith – no resurrection, no Christianity. End of.

I can't recall that he describes those who deny the historical existence of Jesus as an absurd cult because it was many years ago that I read the book (approx 40 years!). I would have to dig it out and check that for myself I guess. I don't suppose you have a reference to whereabouts in the book it is? BTW where did you read that if you haven't read the book? It does seem rather extreme language, however you will find that most historians accept that there was an historical Jesus.