Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
OK! I guess it is pretty odds-on that any man of working age in the Valleys during that period was a coal miner! My ancestors came from Wiltshire (agricultural labourers) and Devon (copper miners) in the 1850's when the Valleys were like the Klondyke i.e. for coal rather than gold.

Dad was the youngest of four brothers and the two oldest became miners. He and his next oldest brother “got on their bikes” (literally) and set off for a new life. WW2 intervened and, as for countless others, it changed the course of my Dad's life completely.

He eventually came back to Mountain Ash but it's a very long story which I am in the (very slow) process of writing up in the form of a biography of my Dad. This is primarily for my grandchildren who never knew my Dad and know nothing of life in the Valleys.

I know most people think their Dad is a hero, but as you say these particular men were special. They grew up in relative poverty, endured the General Strike and then WW2. I know I couldn't hold a candle to them!

My dream is to write a novel about our ancestors along the lines of “How green was my valley” but rather less sentimental I think. It would make a good TV serial too. Sadly time is running out for me so I doubt it'll ever materialise!
My brother lives in the States and over there they call them the Greatest Generation. My uncle died in WW2 and is buried in Padua cemetery in Italy. I've been there to visit his grave. It's beautifully maintained and very peaceful. My cousin (who was in the armed services) and I put together a dossier of his life including his time at war. He was actually captured twice and was eventually injured by US friendly fire and died of gangrene later. We even have letters from the Italian nurse who looked after him.
I became interested in the interwar era after becoming friends in my early 20s with an old chap who was a lifelong communist and had been active in the political struggles of that time. An incredible man among many incredible men and women.
I hope you get to write your story. There is never a better time than now.