Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
I am confused as to why this is difficult for you to grasp

If someone thinks someone should feck off back to where they are from this historically is used as a term of discrimination

And they deserve to have their wings clipped

There's no double standards there

I mean it's not like I want a happy chat with these people

I can see that you don't agree and don't like all this modern stuff you think is politically correct and woke but that's the way it is
You have no idea what my views are. It's actually quite funny that you think I'm anti-woke. But I really don't like people with a superiority complex and little self awareness who pontificate and sit in judgement of others. The post that started this by Monkfish was a football opinion about Bulut. You and Flint have turned it into something quite different. If anyone deserves to have their wings clipped it's you.