Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
It exonerated him because he'd done nothing wrong and it was all a setup. The evidence has always existed to eventually prove that if it ever came out, but is was hidden by means of top secret classifications and obfuscation, so the whole thing was basically an impeachment excercise or a PR campaign for impeachment.

If you were paying attention you would have noticed most of the prosecutions were for process crimes, or historical events that happened long before Trump came on the scene. They didn't want any legal discovery processes taking place that could expose their illicit methods. The General Flynn case is a good example of that, with the change of his legal team they are now asking to see all of the original hard evidence connected to the case, instead of written summaries of things that allegedly happened. The prosecution are fighting tooth and nail to prevent this, as it brings down the entire house of cards if these original documents ever have to be produced in court.
Two things here.
Firstly, it's interesting to note that if you ever comment even slightly favourably about Donald Trump, people will start referring to him as " your idol", and this applies not just to complete ****tards , but reasonably intelligent people.
Secondly, I don't know why you bother - any objective observer with a background knowledge of US politics and dynasties would know what Mueller was, his associations with other dodgy characters such as the Clintons and Bushes and indeed that all of them have had far more covert dealings with the Russians , ( and Chicomms), than Donald Trump. They'd also know that there were far clearer reasons to prosecute Hillary over her emails or Benghazi which were brushed under the carpet by the Mueller/ Colmey clique at the Bureau.
In short, it was a political witch hunt / publicity stunt and not even committed democrats will seriously deny that, so if some dick in Cardiff or somewhere is so generally naive on these things that they're taken in by biased and simplistic reporting , how can you possibly hope to change their minds ?