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Thread: Working from Home.

  1. #76

    Re: Working from Home.

    The time I'm most productive in the office is when I book myself into a meeting room and work on my own. Just find the open working environment too distracting otherwise to really get my head-down. Possibly because I've worked from home for part of the week for years now.

    There are of course other good reasons to go into the office besides work so wouldn't really want to work from home permanently.

  2. #77

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    when i used to do maintenance and fire prevention work in Offices ( a few years in total ) I was a little envious of the office work environment, a real micro-world, a snapshot of life, people from different backgrounds all slung into a melting pot, the laughs, flirting, bullying etc etc I worked at cardiff city hall for 18 months and got invited to Christmas parties ( Yes i went and enjoyed them ) spent some time with some city lads ( who i had seen about, but didnt really know them, i know they used to post on here ) Office looked a decent place to work

    I guess if you are a social type of person, you would be itching to get back to the office , i can see how it would have been missed

    another issue with WFH must be training people, all them Jnr Office types learn from watching people do what they do, thats not going to happen when you WFH
    Seriously? A lot of office work is mundane and, in all honesty, could be automated. You can get kids doing most of the stuff that others do within a day or two. Like you say, socially an office is a great place to be. Unfortunately, that means that for people who show up to do the work and go home, they end up getting put upon while others take the piss. For most teams you have one worker to 3 shirkers.

  3. #78

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I think that is total bullshit mate
    What is? All of it? Some of it? What are you basing it on? You wouldn't just be here looking for an argument would you?

  4. #79

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    You listen to my boring bullshit often enough and by choice too!

    Earlier today I thought of another waste of time for people who work in offices. I was walking through the Ty Glas Industrial Estate in Llanishen and witnessed loads of people shuffling out of their offices onto the courtyard. It was a fire drill! Not a waste of time if it saves someone’s life of course, but in truth they’re almost always a waste of time and they can drag on for ages.

    I’ve worked in our office throughout the pandemic and wouldn’t want to work at home, doesn’t suit me as an individual, but it’s been blatantly obvious since March 2020 that those who are productive in the office are also productive at home, and vice versa.
    Ah, yes. The fire drill. The smokers light up as soon as they hit the fresh air. A free smoke break. Then, thirty minutes later, back into the office, and everyone is queuing up at the coffee machine. Can waste a good afternoon on a fire break. Always called in nice weather too.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    What is? All of it? Some of it? What are you basing it on? You wouldn't just be here looking for an argument would you?
    No, I'll leave that to you.
    I disbelieve what you say about your circumstances because the change so often, I don't believe you would treat people working for you as you say you would in the event of last minute completion, bullshit.because if you did you'd be out of work yourself very quickly. It is rhetoric, look how efficient and ruthless I am with my colleagues.

    Oh, and Parkinson's 1st law of work is true. It has been proven.I've done it myself.

  6. #81

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    No, I'll leave that to you.
    I disbelieve what you say about your circumstances because the change so often, I don't believe you would treat people working for you as you say you would in the event of last minute completion, bullshit.because if you did you'd be out of work yourself very quickly. It is rhetoric, look how efficient and ruthless I am with my colleagues.

    Oh, and Parkinson's 1st law of work is true. It has been proven.I've done it myself.
    What do you mean "treat people a I say I would"? I haven't mistreated anyone. I have, however, voiced my disapproval when people have pissed around and left a project to the last minute. That isn't me being ruthless, that is me saying "thanks for putting me/my team under stress because of poor organisation".

    And whether or not you leave things to the last minute is not proof that "Parkinson's first law" is true in every case. It is true in cases where people take the piss. It is true in cases where projects are mismanaged. Like I said, if I get a request to do something immediately because the deadline is in 5 minutes, and it isn't my fault then I'll make it known it isn't my fault. Oddly enough, I haven't been sacked once. I've walked out of places, true, but I've usually done that knowing I am walking into something better.

  7. #82

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    No, I'll leave that to you.
    I disbelieve what you say about your circumstances because the change so often, I don't believe you would treat people working for you as you say you would in the event of last minute completion, bullshit.because if you did you'd be out of work yourself very quickly. It is rhetoric, look how efficient and ruthless I am with my colleagues.

    Oh, and Parkinson's 1st law of work is true. It has been proven.I've done it myself.
    Walter Mitty springs to mind

  8. #83

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    You listen to my boring bullshit often enough and by choice too!

    Earlier today I thought of another waste of time for people who work in offices. I was walking through the Ty Glas Industrial Estate in Llanishen and witnessed loads of people shuffling out of their offices onto the courtyard. It was a fire drill! Not a waste of time if it saves someone’s life of course, but in truth they’re almost always a waste of time and they can drag on for ages.

    I’ve worked in our office throughout the pandemic and wouldn’t want to work at home, doesn’t suit me as an individual, but it’s been blatantly obvious since March 2020 that those who are productive in the office are also productive at home, and vice versa.
    Yeah, but at least your 'Bullshit' is interesting, and by the end of it, you've probably offended some blowhard in the office I hate having a set time to work in, My philosophy is get the job done as quickly as possible and then get the **** out of there. I appreciate that can't be the case for everyone. I call it self preservation, especially in a physically demanding job. As soon as i've earned what i wont out of the day, i'm off, or tools are put away.

  9. #84

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Walter Mitty springs to mind
    What happened with your job in the end Hartley? Did you tell the owner where to go, or are you still his little lap dog?

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    What happened with your job in the end Hartley? Did you tell the owner where to go, or are you still his little lap dog?
    For someone who until lately have barely posted on here you are an offensive little git aren't you?
    Reminds me so much of another poster, or should that be posterS?

  11. #86

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    For someone who until lately have barely posted on here you are an offensive little git aren't you?
    Reminds me so much of another poster, or should that be posterS?
    I'm barely posting on here now(!) Just on this one subject where the OP is talking bollocks and pointing out real-world examples of why he is talking bollocks. Funny thing is, you've stopped talking about the subject of the post for some reason.

    As for being offensive, this board is full of people who are offended by something. Whether it be the non-creation of new roads, people innovatively working from home or something else. Which, to me, suggests that there are plenty of offensive little gits getting plenty of offended people offended. Are you a snowflake?

  12. #87
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    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    I'm barely posting on here now(!) Just on this one subject where the OP is talking bollocks and pointing out real-world examples of why he is talking bollocks. Funny thing is, you've stopped talking about the subject of the post for some reason.

    As for being offensive, this board is full of people who are offended by something. Whether it be the non-creation of new roads, people innovatively working from home or something else. Which, to me, suggests that there are plenty of offensive little gits getting plenty of offended people offended. Are you a snowflake?
    Snowfake? lol you should know what I am you have trolled enough looking for anything about me. Now go away and come back using one of your other names, and try to keep it in character.

  13. #88

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Snowfake? lol you should know what I am you have trolled enough looking for anything about me. Now go away and come back using one of your other names, and try to keep it in character.
    Dear me, you do witter on, this has nothing to do with the subject brought up in the OP.

    However, keeping it on subject.


    A 2 year old company, valued at £4bn, employing 500, and not one of them works in an office.

  14. #89

    Re: Working from Home.

    I absolutely hate working from home. Its a mental health nightmare for so many, especially those in more difficult home environments

  15. #90

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I absolutely hate working from home. Its a mental health nightmare for so many, especially those in more difficult home environments
    yeah it isn't for everyone. Hopefully we will see greater flexibility in the future, so that employees can work in a way that best suits them.

    Many years ago (like 10) I had a bee in my bonnet on this topic.

    I emailed whoever was the Welsh Assembly minister for business at the time and prattled on about it.

    I suggested that if Welsh businesses were encouraged, or forced to allow home working in wales where appropriate 2 or 3 days a week, possibly through financial incentives then the rewards for Wales would be manifold.

    Less commuting - less congestion, less pollution, less wasted time, less wear and tear on the roads, less new roads required, less money leaving the country to oil producing nations every time you fill up. Potentially less childcare required. People not having to commute every day would also mean people would be more interested in living in the upper valleys, where housing is cheaper rejuvenating those areas, buying their lunches locally instead of near the office in Cardiff, Newport or Swansea.

    I also suggested if Wales led the way on this then it might encourage local companies to develop some of the software solutions that would help with off site working.
    A few years later the company Zoom was founded and now has a value of $100 bn.
    Ok its unlikely that a welsh Zoom would have had as much traction, but you never know.

    I wasn't expecting much response, but I jut got a one line answer saying that they can't offer tax incentives to companies as it isn't devolved.

  16. #91
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    Dear me, you do witter on, this has nothing to do with the subject brought up in the OP.

    However, keeping it on subject.


    A 2 year old company, valued at £4bn, employing 500, and not one of them works in an office.
    I am keeping it on subject. You're a multi-faced troll

  17. #92

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    I was perfectly calm until I saw your apostrophe.

    In all seriousness though, about 20% of my work life has been spent trying to drag people like the OP forward. All these "We can't, we shouldn't" excuses are helping to achieve one thing. Lower productivity. Change is good. Less time wasted on roads is good. Less opportunities for people to slack by

    1) Chatting at the desk
    2) Chatting at the coffee machine
    3) Chatting about what time to go for lunch
    4) Chatting after coming back from lunch
    5) Popping out for a fag to have a chat
    6) Christmas/Easter/Valentine quizzes
    7) The entire office congregating because someone they never spoke to is leaving, wasting another half an hour for each person.
    8) The entire office congregating because someone they never spoke to has a birthday, wasting another half hour for each person.
    9) Groups of people gathering photos of someone who has a birthday coming up, then spending an afternoon putting them in strategically hilarious places like the bogs
    10) People surfing the net pretending to work
    11) Calling meetings of 1 hour where the first 10 minutes is spent waiting for others to arrive, the next 20 minutes are spent laughing and joking between people who despise each other, 10 minutes talking about work, 15 minutes talking about the next meeting, and then the leader of the meeting saying "Good, we finished early, you all get 5 minutes back in your day".

    is good.

    The office is nothing more than a distraction. It is noisy, it is full of interruptions, it is full of banality, it is full of people who are only capable of forming relationships with people they work with, it is full of excuses to not do any work which results in lots of last minute rushes. That the OP thinks people should have to endure 12-15 hours of travel a week just to waste time is hilarious. Personally, I was getting more done and spending less time working once I went to wfh. It also means I can apply for jobs in London with higher wages, without having to endure the joke that is the London property market.

    But, yes, none of this ever happens and people working from home is the cause of lower productivity.
    you're not going to be able to have an office affair if you're working from home.

  18. #93

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    In my experience there is a lot of resistance to this from the people at the top.

    They have often risen to the top working in the old fashioned way of working, and don't feel comfortable letting go of the reigns.
    Now many have been forced to during the pandemic it will be interesting whether there will be an attempt to pick those reigns back up and how the workforce will react to it.

    I'm working mostly with people in China, Eastern Europe and the states at the moment, so it makes next to no difference whether I'm in the office or not, and I already have to keep unconventional hours.
    Home working allows me to leave 30 minutes later when I have to pick the kids up to school, and get to work 30 minutes sooner after I drop them off. More time is available for work and I save on fuel costs.
    My girlfriend doesn't work at all so the amount of sex during office hours has definitely increased (from 0) so I can't claim to always be 100 focussed on the job (so to speak), but I think all things considered it works out better for me and for the company I work for.
    Some things are always better face to face though. Once things seem more stable from a covid point of view I think I'll be trying to spend 2 days in the office and 3 days at home per week.
    are we supposed to believe an engineer has a girlfriend, never mind has sex on the regular?

  19. #94

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
    are we supposed to believe an engineer has a girlfriend, never mind has sex on the regular?
    this coming from an accountant?

  20. #95

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Allez Allez Allez View Post
    Dear me, you do witter on, this has nothing to do with the subject brought up in the OP.

    However, keeping it on subject.


    A 2 year old company, valued at £4bn, employing 500, and not one of them works in an office.
    You just didn't get it. My original post was simple ; people who are now WFH are more likely to lose their job to someone in another Country than if they were working in the office. Providing there's no language barrier, it makes no difference to the employer - and as your supporting link confirms - is cost beneficial and achieves excellent ROI. What's more, as some have concurred, home is home, and should stay that way. "Meeting" in Cloud etc., isn't "Meeting". No more than you're 'meeting' Gary Lineker when the football's on..

  21. #96

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    You just didn't get it. My original post was simple ; people who are now WFH are more likely to lose their job to someone in another Country than if they were working in the office. Providing there's no language barrier, it makes no difference to the employer - and as your supporting link confirms - is cost beneficial and achieves excellent ROI. What's more, as some have concurred, home is home, and should stay that way. "Meeting" in Cloud etc., isn't "Meeting". No more than you're 'meeting' Gary Lineker when the football's on..
    Are you retired? If so, when did you retire?

  22. #97

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I am keeping it on subject. You're a multi-faced troll
    Just checking.

    Thread title: Working from Home
    Your post "You're a multi-faced troll"

    Not on subject dear boy. And, sadly, me pointing this out means I am also veering off topic.

  23. #98

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Are you retired? If so, when did you retire?
    "retired ? " That's so 20th Century..

  24. #99

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    You just didn't get it. My original post was simple ; people who are now WFH are more likely to lose their job to someone in another Country than if they were working in the office.
    I know EXACTLY what you are saying, just because I have pointed out it is a load of nonsense doesn't mean I didn't get it.

    My point is that your opinions are baseless. What are they based on other than apparent fear? Today I provided an example of a business that started 2 years ago (pre-pandemic) and is valued at £4bn with 500 employees. 500 jobs created from remote working. You could, I suggest, come up with a counter-example.

    You further demonstrate your lack of vision with the comment "Home is home and should stay that way". Why? Why should it stay that way? My mortgage is £1000 a month. If I was working in an office, I would essentially be using it as a place to sleep, eat and watch tele for an hour or two a week. Now that I am working remotely, I am getting much more value from my home. I am getting to spend more time with my kids. I am spending more time with family. I can start work at 5am if I like, or at 5pm if I like. Maybe this is beyond your comprehension because you, maybe, are one of those workers who is put in a box and stays there from 16-65.

  25. #100

    Re: Working from Home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
    you're not going to be able to have an office affair if you're working from home.
    To be fair, that is one drawback.

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