Quote Originally Posted by blue lewj View Post
In short, what I would have done as a board if they were serious about going in a new direction would be not to have employed Neil Harris followed by Mick McCarthy.

I'm not even sure anybody at the club knows what they want other than to save money. If they are or ever were serious about changing the way we play and being a more footballing, entertaining team then their choice of manager since that statement (Harris and McCarthy) is worrying.

The fans are slowly getting fed up with it and I can honestly see it hitting attendances soon. What then, save more money? Play all of the Under 23s?
What manager are you hiring to change style of play who can't be promised money to spend on squad? What manager is interested in coming to work with players Warnock left?

Simple facts are that Warnock left a squad which wasn't ready to compete for promotion (at least in a non-covid year) and work Harris and Mick have done so far suggests our squad will be far closer to that once they've gone*.

*depending on what is done at end of this season in terms of renewals and replacements. If we play hoofball next year then concerns about what we're teaching the kids are well founded.

Fans might not be inclined to stick around but that's not the best measure of how well things are going - they usually show up in number right at the end of a process when things are obviously better.