Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
Luckily for the state of Israel , the IDF is stronger than any nonsense belief in bible/talmud scriptures or the Koran. I do feel desperately sorry for the Palestinians caught up in the aggression of the small minority of loons on the political and religious extreme of Israeli society. As I feel sorry for the thousands of Israeli Jews who have suffered Palestinian terrorism.

Friends like you do Israel as much harm as its enemies
I see, so because I claim to have a relationship with the same God that gave Israel a set of promises around 4000 years ago and I am saying that eventually things will be put right, I am somehow a trouble maker?
I also feel sorry for the individuals caught up in religious hatred, and I am NOT a supporter of Religion as the thread ("Is violence to genuine football fans what religion is to...") I started a few weeks ago makes perfectly clear.
Unfortunately it is people like you that hate those who they see to be religious, as they put all such people in the same basket, I hope at some point you will appreciate the difference.