I broke my radius when I was five.
Nothing else until...
After a stroke in 1998, I find it is very easy to fall over.
Lost count of ribs broken; Tib &fib in 2000; radius again around 2005 and something around the wrist circa 2008;
Kneecap in 2014 (DON'T DO THIS - IT FECKIN' HURTS!).

Last time I did my ribs was in 2007. I fell sideways, my arm was sort of folded against my side, the elbow had nowhere to go but into my ribs.
Hurt like hell so went to A&E, they x-rayed my shoulder! Hang on, I said, it's my ribs!
Don't worry , they said, they'll heal themselves in a few weeks.
Even now, I'm still getting gyp from them.
When I had a MRI during my cancer scare in 2015, they said "what the hell happened to your ribs?" The doc interlocked his fingers to show me what they looked like. But they won't do anything to put them right now