Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
You mean like wen Mr S told friends that Kier "spent the day working in my factory"?
Generally where there is smoke you'll find a fire somewwhere .
But hey, you wouldn't believe it anyway. So.... goodnight from me
If there was any truth in what you are saying then Johnsons sycophantic mates in the media would be all over it like a rash!!

Really odd behaviour to be so defensive of a man (Johnson) who wouldn't piss on the likes of you and me if we were on fire.

Quite a few on here have gone right down the Johnson rabbit hole. I hate to break it to you guys but "Boris" ain't your mate, in fact he despises us plebeians - just go and read some of his musings in the likes of the Telegraph or Spectator over the years.

As Max Hastings so correctly said about Johnson - the only people who rate him are those who don't know him.

Stop doffing your cap and tugging your forelock, he's laughing at you.