Quote Originally Posted by superflyblues View Post
The big three EU states:
France 6.1%
Germany: 7.5%
Italy: 7.9%

and then there's the UK: 9.4%
Where do you hire your cherry picker from mate?

Inflation is nothing to do with a countries size. You need to compare like with like. The debate here seems to be that Brexit has caused inflation (it hasn't) and so we should compare the UK with the EU. Inflation is currently higher in the EU..

You compare the biggest 3 for some reason. Why don't we compare the UK with the biggest 7 EU countries?

Poland - 15.5%
Romania - 15.05%
Spain 10.8%
Netherlands - 10.3%
UK - 9.4%
Italy - 7.9%
Germany - 7.5%
France - 6.1%


If you move the goalposts, you get a different result. And next month it will change again. The fact is inflation is not being caused by Brexit, it's high everywhere and is slightly higher in the EU at the moment. The causes lie elsewhere.

FWIW, comparing the UK with the G20 is perhaps the most useful way to analyse anything. G7 is a very small and selective group.