Creation of complex rules (with # of people, households, exceptions) varying by tiers has created a perverse system where people look for loopholes. Instead, focus on why this virus is risky, what we can all do to avoid getting it & passing it on & the underlying science.

Simply: transmits in indoor, poorly ventilated & crowded settings. Don't go into other people's homes. Keep distance, meet outside, & err on the side of caution. While older/vulnerable more at risk of dying, younger people can get seriously ill. Russian roulette with health.

Viruses evolve faster in lazy countries that let them run rampant.

One variant (B.1.1.7) in the UK has acquired 8 mutations in a gene encoding the spike protein -- and that may help it spread faster.

Excellent piece:

No one is going to stop anyone acting as they wish over Christmas but people living in Manchester are being told if they've been in Wales they should self-isolate for 10 days and act as if they have the virus. Regardless of what people think about the politicians, or the ex-rugby players giving their "expertise", Wales is absolutely fecked if people continue to act like covid doesn't exist or doesn't need attention.