Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
Hello Baloo. I don't think Bee's wings were used for rowing or skimming across water. If they were, they'd still be able to do it today. They'd also be placed lower on the body enabling actual contact with water. And the wing material would be more like a flipper.
Also, wouldn't it be a huge co incidence that an appendage supposedly perfectly adapted for "paddling" in water, is also perfect for flight.
These are harsh Darwinian selective pressures, the idea that a bee's wing was continually selected for because it could "paddle a bit" is a bit flimsy.

From what i gather, you accept that God could exist.
With that in mind he could be responsible for creating all human life.
When Quantum physicists suggest that we are living in a hologram, are part of parallel universes or that our whole existence is a complex mathematical equation being played out in a pre ordained fashion(God). Anything is possible, what ever the truth it will be absolutely mind blowing. I just wish people would open their minds a bit
I think you’ve somewhat missed the point with evolutionary adaptation, but fine I don’t think I can state it any more clearly.

I only stated god could exist but there’s no evidence. I’m afraid this does not imply it’s a special case that raises the possibility in my mind above anything else I would also say I don’t believe exists. It’s merely a way of describing how I would approach deciding.