Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
I'm not a thatcherite not particularly political at all, I just think that you see everything against the utopian world you believe a socialist society would be.
The problem is it doesn't work. never has and never will. Redistribution of wealth doesn't make people richer it just makes some people poorer.
you can look at socialist states all over the world and see that it doesn't work, see the umber of poor people in them, poor beyond anything that the poor in this country could ever imagine. Russia, Azerbaijan Venezuela N Korea china some of the other non-reconstituted ex soviet satellite states. Poor poor people ruled by excessively rich so called guardians of socialism.
There is more corruption in some of these places than you could ever imagine. you have to live there to understand it. A person has to pay someone for every single thing he/she wants and should be able to get from the state, or he/she can't get it. There is a problem with your papers but £20 can make it go away, your son must join the army but £1000 can make him unfit for military service and so on in every single thing you need. That is the nature of a "socialist" state, everyone clambering to get more money than everyone else to lift themselves out of the misery and depravation of their lives. In the 70s and 80s when Russia was buying wheat from the USA they ahd more than enough to feed the nation but it rotted in railway wagons because the farmers couldn't afford to bribe the railway officials to get it attached to a train. socialism, you can stuff it up your arse mate!
The poor people of this country have no idea how bad it could be and neither do you clearly, you just read what you want to be read and believe what you want to believe, but it has no grounding in history or reality.
you think that Russia, China, North Korea are socialist states ? Tell me you are pulling my leg

Democratic socialism underpinned by keynesian economic theory is what I support

Some countries in Europe since the second World War have tried an approach and we had a lot of success in Britain Post war with housing , the NHS , social policy , welfare for those who needed it

You think that Russia , China and North Korea and run on this model ? They don't even get to vote in reality

I dont think you have a clue what democratic socialism is and there is no doubt whatsoever that far from being not political at all you are right wing . Deny it all you want but its like me trying to deny that I read the western mail every morning , even though I know its rubbish .