Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
The fact some supporters would boo any attempt to highlight and promote anti racism says it all. ��

The fact is most people that have a real problem with this are middle aged white men with fragile identity and egos.

The sport isn't where we should raise things like this line is rubbish too. We need to raise it as a discussion point across the whole of society
So why exactly are they doing it?

Because of American career criminals?

Here’s a suggestion as regards the statistical misnomer that the American police are victimising and murdering black people.

* Don’t commit crimes

* If you do commit crimes and the police have to address the issue, don’t resist.

Here’s another statistical fact that doesn’t fit the current narrative. In America a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to lose their lives at the hands of a black person, as a black person is to lose their lives to a Police officer - FACT!

Google and read a few articles in the Wall Street Journal on the subject, in June.