Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
NASA's excuses for not returning to the Moon range from "we're skint" to the hilarious "we haven't the technology available today as we did then". Then was 1972 if I remember correctly.

Depending on which source anyone cares to use, the farthest Van Allen Belt is 8,000 miles from earth. Without checking, the Moon's around 24 or 26,000 miles away. Man can't survive the radiation at the outer and likely the inner Belt; therefore those Moon landings had to be fake.

Obviously, the Russians knew that but kept schtum.

What was the purpose of those hoaxes? Probably to filter the funding into secret projects such as building a network of underground bases and even whole cities throughout the USA. The one under Denver airport - which has a ton of disturbing Satanic artwork viewable on the surface - is said to be the biggest at seven levels deep.
Conspiracy theorists - and I certainly consider myself a bought-up member of the skeptic and conspiracy community - do themselves no favours when they talk of moon landing hoaxes. Can you just imagine for a moment how many hundreds of people - possibly thousands when you count their relatives, close friends - who would have to commit to a lifetime vow of silence, knowing that just one sliver of evidence, one memo, could deliver a story worth tens of millions of dollars and make them rich beyond their dreams.