Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Honestly, do people really think there are lots of people out there waiting to get offended by stuff?

I don't. I think there's a simple code of what is acceptable and what isn't. I don't buy into the argument that "I was having a laugh, if someone doesn't find it funny they must be a snowflake".

I think the whole snowflake bollocks is an invention of the political right to discredit people having feelings about things.
Essentially it’s a result of the emergence of Social Justice Warrior’s and perceived “Micro-aggressions”.

Along with the platforms that Social Media has provided...Intersectionality/Identity politics are in my opinion one of the, if not the biggest divisive factors of what has brought us such a Social and Political chasm today.

I think a lot of a once left leaning part of society has been pushed to the right of centre due to a new, new wave of progressivism.

Over this time frame we have seen the introduction of Safe Spaces, Participation Trophies and a call for Jazz Hands.

As well as as some absolute belters going viral accusing people of abuse on camera for the most innocuous of reasons.