Quote Originally Posted by Sunnysideup View Post
There’s no greater high than having your hard earned cash on a horse that wins ����
Casinos fortunately have never floated my boat and sitting around in stale smelling betting shops putting my change in those FOB machines or betting on virtual racing doesn’t interest me either.
I suppose it’s all down to the individuals mindset and not just walking away when you run out of money but knowing that when you’re lucks out it’s out.
Chasing your losses is a no no and having the willpower to walk away is difficult but should be done.
However I do sympathise with the addicted.
Glossy ads in print and the entertaining visual ads on TV - Paddy Powers adds with their comedy element softens the stark and dangerous realities that gambling effects can have on individuals and families.
A very good friend of mine confided in me three years ago that he was addicted to the FOB Roulette machines inside bookies shops - he’s married with three kids and a mortgage
Wracked up credit card debt and loans to pay for his addiction to the tune of sixty grand
Fortunately his wife forgave him and he’s turned the corner getting back on track financially but most importantly he says - he spoke to someone about the deep regret and shame that was gambling and the scourge that ripped him apart mentally and physically which nearly brought him to suicide.
If you are in a sorry situation my message would be always talk about your problem to someone that cares and will listen ��
I take it that you are referring to those with a fondness for, or addiction to, gambling - as I imagine that most people would consider their highs coming from elsewhere.