It was in the days following the 1997 General Election when I finally caught on that the red and blue teams were really the same team who advanced an identical agenda while pretending to be foes in order to dupe the rest of us into believing voting offered a choice.

Labour spent 18 years from 1979 to 1997 complaining about a whole host of Tory reforms, then undid none of them during their subsequent 13 years in office. Right after that 1997 General Election Labour declared they would adopt then stick with the same Tory spending policies for two years... those same policies they had so heavily criticised before being elected.

Thanks to the internet we were later able to discover Thatcher, Major, Blair and Brown were Bilderbergers. Members of the same club. The last two were among the first of WEF's Young Global Leaders during the early 1990s. Another was Putin who's currently playing the role of arch-baddie in this theatre production we are witnessing.