Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
It can be tiresome being classified as gullible, non-intellectual, crutch-requiring thicko's as if I have accepted everything in the Bible without question. I would say my faith is evidence-based rather than blind faith, but of course for most people the New Testament does not constitute evidence they argue, as it was written so long after the events (or at least a very handy excuse for not looking any further in case it might just be true!). I only became a Christian in my late 30's when I looked into the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and found that this could be proven “beyond reasonable doubt” as a defence lawyer would put it.

I think I have already said in a previous post that I tend towards the “shake the dust off my shoes” approach rather than continue the debate in a confrontational manner but it is difficult to resist the temptation to respond when faced with some of the spurious arguments put forward! My Dad used to use the phrase “slowly, slowly, catchee monkey” in this sort of situation. If tempers are lost or verbal abuse is used, then he would say that you have already lost the argument – that has always stayed with me but it's not always easy to put into practice!
Indeed, the BBC, National Geo, Hollywood and many others love to portray Christians as naive and lacking in all the facts.
The truth is very different as many successful and brave scientists have stated, though the very thought that this is a remote possibility drives the skeptic to run for cover, or into the 'safety' of skeptical anti-biblical websites or half bakes scientific theories that only have a basis in acceptability rather than hard facts.

If they did what you, Lee Stroble or Josh McDowell (and thousands of others) has done, and look at the evidence for the resurrection, they would be left with no doubt whatsoever. But why look if you want to remain in denial?

There are times when shaking the dust off your shoes is the wise approach, yet with social media you never know who is listening or reading outside the sphere of the participants, or even if those taking part are taking things far more seriously than they let on.

Many in the States are counting the hours until this second major total eclipse (8.4.24), which is interestingly crossing a number of places in the States called Nineveh! Either way, the time that people have to consider these things won't last forever, and the state of people in the original Nineveh was far worse than even our society today (and they too had a total eclipse before you know who arrived to warn then via God's Message for the entire region).

So keep going...!