Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
No he is not, he is portraying Brexit voters as thick daily mail reading racists and it gets on my fcking nerves.

Brexit to me was NEVER about immigration.
I would open up free movement of those in Europe tomorrow.
Brexit to me was about the state of The EU.
The fat cat pigs at the trough and the lack of democracy.
I'm with Yanis Varoufakis and would support DiEM25

The next election is Labour's to lose.
I can't stand Truss and I hope Labour win.
I wish that the likes of Eddie Dempsey and Mick Lynch were more involved in Labour politics.

Most of all though I wish that certain sections of the left would stop their sneering at the working classes and their reasons for voting leave.
The raison detre for Brexit actually came out of the mouths of people high up in the Brexit echelon and it wasn't my own analysis though I believe it to be essentially true.

My description of a majority of people who voted for Brexit in the way I posed was undoubtedly true, I met a lot of them with that very stance. However, it doesn't apply to all and you're absolutely right on that.

I had you down as one of those hard-core overly assertive Brexit types but I will say I am impressed with the argument you have put forward in this post and it gives me food for thought. I may disagree with you over a host of issues I guess but your expression on the immigration situation is refreshing. I also agree with what you say about the elite fat cats in the EU too so that puts you in a different light in my opinion. Although I would argue the same applies in any institution and it certainly applies here in the UK government.

I wouldn't necessarily agree with your anti democratic view of the EU but every democratic institution should be open to democratic review.

But I have to say your support for DiEM25 is particularly welcome and it shows me that though I might have been right about many people the portrait I painted didn't apply to you.