Quote Originally Posted by jimmyscoular View Post
I live in the United States, and only once has anyone ever correctly identified me as Welsh. It was my barber, the first time I got my hair cut by him. Typical old-style barber shop, walls covered three deep with sports memorabilia and a line of guys sitting in chairs waiting their turn. Not a woman in sight. "You have an accent," he said. "Where you from?"

Well, I said, we have some time so why don't you guess? Usually, when I say this to people we go on a world tour, from England to Scotland to Ireland, to Canada, to New Zealand, even to South Africa. No one ever thinks of Wales.

But this guy, he stood back, pondered a while, and said:

"You're from that country Tom Jones is from."

And I had to admit it was true.
It usually is a geographical A-Z before I lose patience and say Wales.
In all fairness, people who have actually heard of Wales seems to have gone up tenfold in the 18 years that I have been here.

Where abouts in The US are you?