Pricing is very fair although it should be a blanket price for games, not sure why they bother putting teams in different categories. Just make the starting point for every home game £20.

The ideas mentioned about keeping the club shop open longer on a weeknight etc are , no offence , not going to make any difference. Nor will having better food, it doesn't change anything.

Only three things entices people to the football

- Decent priced tickets (club doing ok on this subject to the above point)
- A winning team playing good football (beyond anyone's control bar Mr Bulut)
- Good atmosphere

The final point is the big sticking point, the atmosphere is awful at the moment and only getting worse, the ground is virtually half empty every game, the acoustics in the ground are awful so you can't even hear the away fans and vice versa. Nothing for each other to feed off apart from a block in the Ninian. It means most people who go on a temporary basis are bored stiff watching the game in a half empty stadium in virtual silence for 90% of the time.

Several friends have come to games over the past few years and virtually all of them have a laugh at how dull the experience is. I don't blame them.

Away games wise - we will always have a hardcore that go regularly but cost of living will hit the ones who are 50/50 or go a few games a season. It it at least 60£ to go to an away game for most people these days before you leave your house