Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
I can fully understand where you are coming from and we have discussed this before .

Patel is as guilty of playing politics as those she says as doing so by taking the knee .

Who is she to tell black footballers or black people what they should do ?

I think not agreeing with the knee is fine but booing it is in my opinion showing peoples true colours , if you will pardon the expression

As for taking direct action against racists not everybody has the confidence and physical ability to do that as again we have discussed before .

If racists were arrested in greater numbers and put before the courts and given stiff sentences then that , as in other crimes , might deter some , but as you suggest there will always be racists as there will always be murderers , it can never be stopped

Kick It Out has done very little , the clubs and the authorities do very little although I have to say the two times I have grassed on racist cardiff city fans , once at Ninian Park and once at Scarborough when I witnessed a fellow fan spit in the face of an opposition player simply warming up on the touchline ff sake .......the police were brilliant and nicked and charged them both ......

Taking the knee is certainly brought the subject closer to the spotlight than stamp out racism signs and kick it out . I think its set to stay following the latest crap these young lads have had to put up with , whether Patel likes it or not

I wonder if they will catch the offenders , and it appears there were many and if they will be locked up ?

I hope they do but I very much doubt they will face prison . Its certainly what they deserve .
We have discussed this before many times Sludge, and whilst our views on the subject slightly differ, i do respect your opinions on most things (except your musical tastes),
I also understand that those of a quieter nature and smaller build might not want to confront a few neanderthal racist slobs at a game, or anywhere else for that matter.
The thing that irks me though, is right down through history, minorities have caused chaos all over the world, The majority of folk of all nationalities, are caring, loving, peaceful people. Are we going to let minorities run wild and roughshod forever, and only condemn them from a distance?