Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
It was a crushing defeat for the Tories but I note also Labour polled less than a tenth of their vote in the 2020 election in that constituency. I doubt whether the LIberals would agree with your view about an anti Tory alliance although it could make sense in some areas but it won't happen.
From memory, Labour were polling at 15,000 in that constituency in 2015, so you'd think that the large majority of them have deserted the party for the Lib Dems. It was an example of tactical voting by people who would not class themselves as Conservatives and it has to be the way to go for, say, Labour supporters in Cornwall and Lib Dems voters who live in most major cities in this country.

I see you seem to want to brush what happened to the Conservatives under the carpet, but there definitely appears to be something going on in some areas in southern England that have traditionally been strongly Tory - there was quite a bit of evidence of this last month when nearly all of the focus was on the woes of the Labour party.