Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
I'd guess the addition of one new disease to a long list wouldn't constitute a substantial amendment.

I was wondering about the copyright rules a few months ago when I noticed one of the documents we issue to shipping companies has a copyright date. The problem is that the date in the small text is some time back in the Eighties (probably 1988), while the regulations have been amended several times since then, as has the content of the document.

To be honest, that's the only document of ours that I can ever recall seeing a copyright on and it makes no material difference as we give copies away free of charge to the shipping companies. My guess is that it was copyrighted with new regulations in 1988 and that has been forgotten about since or ignored when new versions have been proof-read.
A few points in response:
I think that parties could spend a lot of money arguing over whether any amendment of a work constitutes a new copyright date.
The copyright symbol and accompanying dare added to any work constitutes a flag to other parties that reproduction of it (without permission) is not permitted.

A work is covered by copyright merely by being published, whether it is in a publication or even scrawled on a toilet door and whether anyone arbitrarily adds the copyright symbol or not.

Any action by a copyright owner to cease unauthorised reproduction of their work would have be accompanied with some date-related evidence.

Works are covered by copyright whether they are given away free or not.

You can own a work without owning the copyright of it. Sounds sensible if you think of music you have on vinyl or CD, doesn't it?
What about if you send someone a friend a typewritten or hand-written letter? The law interprets the recipient of a letter as the owner of it: sheet of paper,ink and envelope. However, you, as the creator of the content in that letter, own the copyright - and in such case of individuals the copyright lasts 75 years after the creator's demise.

Exceptions to copyright can be made for a number of reasons, however e.g. for review/criticism of work, news reporting and a few other things.

Licensing any work to other parties (even if the Licence is issued is free of charge) does not erode any copyright.

Works, whether they be electronic databases, a phone book or even paper maps can also be classified as databases and 'Database Rights' is another branch of IP Law which may or may not be an additional form of protection for a work. A phone book has little creative content and may not necessarily be covered by copyright but would be covered by Database Rights - as some effort has been made in collecting and presenting the data. A paper map* could be considered both a database and a work covered by copyright (if sufficient intellectual creativity was involved in creating it). Database rights cover the owner of a work for a mere 15 years though.

*I fell into the world of IP after many years of being a pure cartographer: I was assigned the role of protecting my employer's cartographic material and I was involved in a couple of groundbreaking legal cases against copyright infringers based in two different EU states.