Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
It's always about free choice, and that's the answer to your other questions about which religion to choose.

As for the usual stuff about scientific proof, well you can't dispove God with science despite so many people trying for so very long.

I doubt that you personally understand all the science you rely upon, repeat the experimentation and calculation or check it in any other way. I'm not picking on you here - no one else who quotes science so freely does either- but the fact is you require just as much faith to reach your conclusions as anyone needs to form their religious beliefs. It's just that you place your faith in something else.

Unless you did the above , it's not just faith in science either, it's faith in the truthfulness of whoever told you about the science.

You've developed faith through personal choice then, just as I said, and so you've got your religion just as others have. It's a different religion based upon the primacy of the human mind in the Universe in terms of intelligence and the idea that this universe could have come about randomly and without any reason. Your scriptures are the repeated conclusions and theories of scientific research and your prophets are Brian Cox and David Attenborough. Make no mistake though, you are no more questioning of your religion than anyone else is of theirs.

I'm very sorry if the above seems rude or intended to diminish you personally. It's not meant to make you angry, but rather to make you think. Is it possible that there exist in the Universe things which we cannot measure of weigh because our "science" doesn't understand them, or are you satisfied that as a species we have mastered all knowledge ?
You can of course apply that argument to many things not just the Christian God. For example, Science has not disproved the existence of fairies nor the multitude of Greek Gods.

From my point of view if people’s beliefs, whether religious or non-religious, help them to live happier and more productive lives then we should ‘live and let live’. Freedom of belief is important and when accompanied by an absence of religious privilege safeguards our human rights. And as such I try not debate with people regarding their beliefs.