[QUOTE=Heisenberg;5119367]Mate... don't be so naive. How could pubs not be one of the causes of the rise? You can meet up with however many mates you want outside of your bubble, show no symptoms of Covid and spread it to f**k. Then you've got the people who are so pissed they couldn't socially distance if they lived alone. I had someone's spittle fly past my head in a pub recently. He had no awareness at all and was basically shouting over my shoulder to his mate.

It's not just the pub in Merthyr. Also, there's reports of Wetherspoons staff getting the virus in their plenty. Then there's things like this:

Please be on the lookout for symptoms if you visited one of these Blaenau Gwent pubs between 13 and 18 September.


Posted by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board on*Monday, 21 September 2020

If you think pubs are playing no part in the rise then you're in denial or you're an idiot. I don't think you're an idiot.

Clearly pubs do play a part, it is undeniable, but my concern is that they will always be the first to be blamed and the first things to be 'outlawed' in efforts to control this, but office and factories can be just as culpable, witness what happened on Anglesey.
Lots of people who air their opinions in the media were demanding that pubs be closed to protect schools before the schools had even opened.
As I said, they are easy targets, but they and places like them, restaurants cafes etc, employ a huge number of people that are largely forgotten about in the uproar.