OK - words not images.

I have no more intention of following you and WalesBales down your respective rabbit holes and debating the latest Big Reveal scoops than I have arguing the toss with Truthpaste about the predictive truth of the Old Testament.

Life is too short.

I do not swallow whole the BBC, Guardian or other MSM view of the world. They all have an editorial agenda. I do think they often choose to report facts or news or comment that we can choose to accept or reject.

As I have said on numerous other threads, I have (after a lifetime of watching, reading, debating and analysing) settled on a cock-up not conspiracy theory of world events (although there are minor conspiracies amongst the cock ups) and believe the world is directed by wealth owners and the privileged for their own benefit at the expense of the vast majority. The Old World Order though - not the New World Order, the puppets of the WEF, the Illuminati or a race of alien lizards.

Just my opinion. I may be wrong (but I'm not).

Oh, and the moon landings were real!